
Breslauer Platz 4, 50668 Köln

Tel: 0221-677811-0


Our office is conveniently located in the heart of Cologne. The central location enables us to be easily accessible for our employees, partners and customers.

With a direct connection to the train station, we have excellent links to the regional and national rail network. As a result, we not only offer our employees a convenient way to travel to the office, but also make it easy for our customers to visit us and attend meetings.

We also benefit from a nearly direct connection to the highway. This enables us to be on site with our customers flexibly and quickly, whether for personal consultations or joint coding sessions.

All in all, our office in Cologne offers an ideal basis for efficient workflows, smooth communication and close cooperation with our clients and partners. The lively and inspiring surroundings of the city also help our employees to develop in a pleasant environment.

You are welcome to visit us!

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    Are you interested in the topic of digitization? Or do you have a specific app or web project?

    Then contact us via our contact form and we will get back to you shortly.

    We look forward to hearing from you!